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Audiosyntax – Xhakrik Rhizoma Pt​.​4 Green

[one_whole] [/one_whole]
Track listing

1. 31.89 (07:16)

2. 63.78 (08:07)

3. 127.59 (08:00)

4. 255.17 (11:21)

5. Interlude (01:57)

Xhakrik Rhizoma Is a compendium of tracks that are made from the samples of 7 seed tracks.

It is a root-like network of tracks inspired by 7 energy centers within the human body.
Springing from the seven seed tracks there are 5 tracks for each center.
Each a different modulation from slow to fast, calming, focusing or exciting.

Each set of 5 tracks is released as a separate EP for 7 consecutive months together with a preview of the next 5

The stem tracks are featured in the PSY edit which will be a separate release

The intention was to rise in complexity and cross various genres to explore the interaction of mind and music once more in depth and detail

Despite a strong conceptual approach, I’ve let myself be guided by aesthetic intuition rather than strict conceptual limitation

Compositions growing from Red Through the colors of the rainbow and from Rhythmical over harmonic to melodic, growing in complexity.
Even though this work is inspired its content is purely intuitive and fictional as to its reference to existent Scientific and religious foundations.


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